
Importance of Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma is used everywhere, shipping industry also uses Lean and Six Sigma   Today most of the CVs look same and you need something to distinguish them from one another, and a big differentiating factor becomes the Lean Six Sigma Training and other such professional qualifications. This is a very useful bit of knowledge to have, and especially true here for India with the most certainly having so much untapped worth in it as our manufacturing industry in India is only catching up to global counterparts in terms of quality and further the penetration of Lean Six Sigma is deep in ITES and continues to garner support in IT as well. To learn this discipline properly you can always go for a Lean Six Sigma Certification from an institute with a Top six sigma accreditation body behind their program like SSF (Six Sigma Foundation) or ASQ (American Society for Quality) or for that matter IASSC (International Association for Six Sigma Certification). An accredited institute ...

Six Sigma Foundation: Lean Six Sigma Accreditation

  Before discussing Six Sigma Foundation (SSF) Accreditation specifics and design philosophy, let’s talk about lean six sigma certification standards and accreditation in general.., While it is true that there is not a central governance body when it comes to Lean Six Sigma, while it does have some advantages like: 1.     Institutes and Organizations can run programs more suited and tightly-knit to the demands on the organization/market/industry-type etc. 2.     When there is no single committee deciding everything for everyone, innovation level becomes higher. 3.     Cost of Training, Auditing and MAINLY Examination is quite less for the candidates as well as training institutes not partnering with a body. Exam fees alone can run into hundreds and thousands of dollars for a lean six sigma education. On the other hand, the dis-advantages are also not hard to ignore: 1.     No, central Body of knowledge means ...