Importance of Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma is used everywhere, shipping industry also uses Lean and Six Sigma


Today most of the CVs look same and you need something to distinguish them from one another, and a big differentiating factor becomes the Lean Six Sigma Training and other such professional qualifications. This is a very useful bit of knowledge to have, and especially true here for India with the most certainly having so much untapped worth in it as our manufacturing industry in India is only catching up to global counterparts in terms of quality and further the penetration of Lean Six Sigma is deep in ITES and continues to garner support in IT as well.

To learn this discipline properly you can always go for a Lean Six Sigma Certification from an institute with a Top six sigma accreditation body behind their program like SSF (Six Sigma Foundation) or ASQ (American Society for Quality) or for that matter IASSC (International Association for Six Sigma Certification). An accredited institute garners better attention from a perspective student as well as assurance of a top class program with a clear and specific curriculum and standardized examination process. As for corporate respect these institutes i have mentioned above are well respected with a large number of trained professionals under their belt, there are positives and negatives in each type of accreditation, but my pick is SSF for their excellent and latest learning model, curriculum and examinations with no separate fee structure. The Certification from one of their ATI’s or Accredited Training Institutes is free for anyone attending the training workshops. And the exam system is stringent (proctoring and level of questions etc.) but very well designed as well as completely Online only which makes it easy to appear for examination.

And however, do Remember this bit …, the point of certification is to do it from an institute which places more emphasis on making you learn via experience.

Before i sum up what you stand to gain from Lean Six Sigma in a broad sense, remember excellent Knowledge of Industry Best Practices are good, but an institute with current knowledge and instructor experience are necessary here, no fun in getting a certificate from xyz and not able to clear interview afterwards !!!

Points of summary:

  1. Industry Best Practice knowhow, but an institute with current knowledge and instructor experience are necessary here, no fun in getting a certificate from xyz and not able to clear interview afterwards !!! go for Top Accreditation Bodies like ASQ, IASSC or SSF (Six Sigma Foundation)
  2. Problem solving Skills, Applied Project Management, Leadership Techniques
  3. Statistical expertize and project experience (if included in curriculum)
  4. Business excellence and a solid CV (and better interview clearance if you really learn)
  5. Lean Six Sigma is a Data Driven Model for Process Excellence, that emphasizes using proven techniques to reduce your process variations, wastages and deliver excellent value to customers.
  6. Six Sigma Foundation (SSF) is committed to creating robust and innovative standards for Lean Six Sigma Certifications. SSF Accreditation allows training institutes to plug gaps in their teaching styles, curriculum and examination systems in an efficient manner.
  7. Six Sigma Foundation (SSF) is Driving Process Excellence by Creating and Promoting Open Lean Six Sigma Certification Standards and Guidelines for Curriculum, Training and Examination, with Accreditation Standards ready to meet the nextgen industry needs.

And, now we move on to the other part of the blog, with Info on SSF Accreditations


Six Sigma Foundation's Banner

Here is some more info about Six Sigma Foundation

The Lean Six Sigma community has no central body for Accreditations and there are number of standards with respective bodies of knowledge to provide guidelines and standards against which any institute may get accredited for training requirements and curriculum but not exams.

In the above approach there has been a major drawback; the candidates looking to get certified in Lean Six Sigma need to follow a separate process at the institute which trained them and the accreditation provider. What this typically results in, is training certificates issued by the training institutes and as the examination cost is quite high for the accreditation it tends to drive away worthy candidates from certifications. While there are advantages to this approach, it is not without its major drawback of disjoint training and evaluation plus higher costs.

The innovation behind Six Sigma Foundation’s approach tackles this challenge by setting out clear and precise examination and evaluation guidelines, where each partner institute or rather an Accredited Training Institute (ATI) is carefully audited along these exam guidelines and Six Sigma Foundation (SSF) makes sure that the examination mechanism of the ATI is fit to evaluate and certify a candidate.

Let’s talk a little bit more about The Lean Six Sigma Certification Standards (Bodies of Knowledge) by Six Sigma Foundation that are available for Lean Six Sigma Certifications:

At the basic and intermediate levels we have:

And, at the advanced and expert levels we have the following levels:

Six Sigma Foundation’s Bodies of Knowledge by Six Sigma Foundation are made available as composite BOK’s which cover all major aspects of the six sigma certification from Curriculum to Training requirements with the Examination and Evaluation guidelines made available as free-downloads for any student or interested institute.

The accreditation process itself is now simplified, with a rather clear and precise self-evaluation made a part of the overall accreditation process right in the start. There are two levels each for accreditation for an ATI (Accredited Training Institute) of Six Sigma Foundation. And the top level accreditation is not granted immediately but after a year of membership with SSF. ATI membership fees is also kept at a very reasonable level to make sure our goal of Democratizing Six Sigma Certifications while maintaining our standards is made possible. The cycle of innovation is also continuous and the ideal revision limit is kept at 3 years between curriculum refresh to meet the fast changing needs of the industry.

Today Six Sigma Foundation is synonymous with “Globally Reliable Open Lean Six Sigma Certification and Accreditation Standards” and Six Sigma Foundation (SSF) is Driving Process Excellence by Creating and Promoting Open Lean Six Sigma Certification Standards and Guidelines for Curriculum, Training, Proctoring and Examination. SSF Accreditation Standards are ready to meet the next level of Industry Requirements.


To check out the Google Hosted Website of SSF: click here SSF Accreditation


  1. Great Info Shared by Six Sigma Foundation Team, and Please also visit our secondary blog:


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